A Geo-Spatial Analytical Industry Leader Modernized Their Applications Landscape to be Agile, Resilient and Scalable With the Help of AWS Native Services


A customer whose specialization is offering a geospatial analysis platform to visualize and process the data for insights. Their Online Stack Platform is available for individuals and enterprises for sharing spatial data and map visualization with their team and public through Map APIs.

Leveraging the platform's capabilities, users can design forms, collect information on the ground at a large scale with location-integration, manage, analyze and publish it online. Data collected from the field upon approval updates the maps in real time.


Customer IT infrastructure was experiencing constant disruption of their services due to the failure of the underlying hardware with their current cloud hosting provider. Additionally, they also wanted to modernize their application stack from the legacy monolithic application architecture to microservices for agility and added security while ensuring the deployed applications in AWS are highly available and has industry leading SLA's.

Searce Solution

Searce team conducted a few deep dive sessions with the customer's IT team to understand their application architecture and the tech stack. After the discovery session, we proposed the the AWS solution that has the following:

  • Worked with customer team to break down the monolith application to microservice architecture to run on AWS EKS service for better performance and security
  • Deployed the applications across multiple Availability zones for fault tolerance at zone level outages
  • All incoming data to the network are filtered through AWS WAF for additional security
  • All data stores such as Database services and S3 buckets are deployed within a private access subnets to prevent any external access from the internet
  • Leveraged AWS CI/CD services like AWS Codecommit and Code Build for automated pipelines of robust application deployment
Business Impact

With the successful migration of workloads from the other Cloud vendor, customer is able to offer stable and reliable services to its end customers. To top it off

  • They now have a latest application stack that's build on cloud native approach
  • There is a redundancy build at every stage of their application architecture which ensures the SLA is one of the best in the industry
  • Autoscaling capabilities are inbuilt, hence the application can scale based on load without any cost implications while being fault tolerant
  • Automated deployments through AWS DevOps services reduces their new releases and bug fixes release timelines
  • Hardened network security which reduces the overall attack surface of the deployed architecture

Customer's IT team is now able to deliver superior services to its customers due to the modernized application and resilient infrastructure. With the DevOps integration, their application team can build and test new features at a faster rate than before.

Industry: Geospatial Analysis
Workload: Amazon Container Service, AWS Auto Scaling Group, WAF, AWS, Ec2, S3 Storage Buckets